Raha Strawberry Jam

Founded in 2009 with 15M ETB capital in Addis Ababa, Right Fresh Farm, associated with three entities in the healthy food and beverages sector, offers 30+ vegetable and 20+ fruit varieties, providing jobs for 20+ permanent employees.

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About Product

Raha Strawberry Jam

Sweet and simple Raha Strawberry Jam is not your regular, run off-the-mill Strawberry Jam. After all, its source for strawberries is Nuredin Hassan's organic strawberry farm. While Nuredin's strawberries are more expensive than other strawberries, due to being organic, the price of his strawberry jam is on the other end of the spectrum.We addresses a wide market range supplying for supermarket, bakeries, mini markets, governmental organizations like Universties.The company created job opportunites for more than 52 employees permanent working in the factory located at Hanamariam, Addis Ababa.

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